Lenin & The Last Judgement

The awake Slavs want to put Lenin’s corpse on trial


Let me and my brother mike put his mummy on trial in a show trial he put all his subjects on


Throw his mummy into the fiery pool of Mt Etna. Never to get second cloned birth. In his hubris he was preserved to seek immortality. Into the pool of fire like the rest of the antichrists

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2 Replies to “Lenin & The Last Judgement”

  1. Lenin’s Jewish wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya wrote about Lenin’s bloodlust,
    cruelty and greed in her “Memoirs”, published in Moscow in 1932.
    Krupskaya described how Lenin once rowed a boat out to a little island in
    the Yenisei River where many rabbits had migrated during the winter.
    Lenin clubbed so many rabbits to death with the butt of his rifle that the

    boat sank under the weight of all the dead bodies – an almost symbolic
    act. Lenin enjoyed hunting and killing.
    Later, after he had seized power, he showed a similarly savage attitude
    to those who did not agree with his plans of enslavement. And how many
    really supported his barbarous methods?

    In 1975, a collection of documents was published in Moscow, “Lenin
    and the Cheka”, which explains that Lenin had adopted the terror methods
    of Maximilien “de” Robespierre. The latter had been merciless, especially
    to the spiritual aristocracy. As early as the 24th of January 1918, Lenin
    said that the communist terror should have been much more merciless
    (“There is a long way to go to the real terror”). On April 28, 1918, Pravda
    and Izvestiya published Lenin’s article “The Present Tasks of the Soviet
    Power” where he wrote, among other things: “Our regime is too soft.” He
    thought the Russians unsuited to implement his terror – they were too well
    intentioned. That was why he preferred the Jews. Naturally, not all the
    Jews joined, only the worst, most hateful and most fanatical ones. This
    fact that Lenin believed the Jews to be much more efficient in the
    “revolutionary struggle” was kept a state secret by order of Joseph Stalin,
    despite the fact that Maria Ulyanova had wanted to make it public a few
    years after Vladimir Lenin’s death. Lenin’s sister believed that this fact
    would have been useful in the struggle against anti-Semitism (Dagens
    Nyheter, 15th February 1995)


  2. Lenin did not like listening to music. Why waste time on such rubbish?
    In his opinion, music awakened unnecessarily beautiful thoughts. This was
    why he did not want anyone else to listen to music either, least of all to
    opera. Stalin’s interpreter, Valentin Berezhkov, reveals in his memoranda
    that Lenin wanted to shut down the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, since the
    working classes had no need of operas. Only when it was explained to
    Lenin that opera music was a part of the Russian culture did he grudgingly
    give in. He had visited the Theatre of Arts only a few times, claims
    Anatoli Lunacharsky who also confirmed that Lenin was entirely ignorant
    of art. Lenin stressed that art must be utilised for the purposes of
    propaganda. The purpose of art and culture was, according to Lenin, to
    serve Socialism, nothing else. This was why many Jewish abstractionists
    and other art jokers were immediately employed, among others Vasili
    Kandinsky, Kazimir Malevich and Isaac Brodsky, to make all public
    places shine with communist symbols, slogans and placards. Proletkult
    (the culture of the proletariat = culturelessness) was founded on Lenin’s
    orders. Later, repressive me

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